Thursday, April 9, 2009

One More Thing

While I totally agree with carita and I am always here too
I don't think beauty is an emotion.
I'm pretty sure it's an adjective or sometimes a noun
but not an emotion 


  1. it's an emotion
    you are beauty
    i am beauty
    we are beauty
    like "i feel beauty(ful) today"
    it's an emotion
    true fact :)

  2. No
    Because if you, i and we are beauty
    then we are something rather than feeling something
    you could just a easily replace beauty with hungry
    You are hungry
    I am hungry
    We are hungry
    Beauty is still great, it's just not an emotion

  3. Yes.
    Because one could replace you, i, and we with
    you/i/we are/am sad
    sad is an emotion
    your reasoning doesn't fly

  4. But if then you/i/we/us/them are beauty isn't a strong enough reason for beauty as an emotion
    therefore i motion for an end of discussion
